About Us

Our History
Adore came to be in the year 2004, mid-March to be precise. Three people in the basement of Glad Tidings, praying and seeking God’s will for this community-to-be, that was the genesis. Those prayer times were the catalyst for the formation and building of Adore, a formation that is ongoing to this day. At first, the plan was to facilitate a simple worship and prayer night: no speaking, baptisms or announcements, just worship through the medium of music and much prayer. As the community of worshipers grew, we started feeling more and more like a “church” – we met weekly, we worshipped together, we looked at the scriptures and examined their relevance to the life of our community. Adore was becoming its own congregation, its own entity. People stared calling Adore their “home church” and connecting with others outside the walls of the building in which we met. It was exciting to see the transformation from a simple “worship night” to a church people call home.
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