Thai Update: May 13th 2009 - Heather

So yesterday has to have been one of my highlights from the trip so far.
A handful of us went to a sea gypsy village where Dave was doing dentistry. The first thing we saw when we arrived on the beach was these kids making really awesome music with nothing more than a couple of hand drums, tin cans and sticks. I could not believe how they were entertaining each other just by garbage from the beach. Obviously I wanted in on the action so I attempted to keep a beat with a tin can but quickly realized that they were way more talented than me so I stopped. Instead, I joined in on some games Pat had started. We played games like Football, pass, piggy in the middle, duck duck goose, british bulldog and bamba. The kids here are so great because they never get bored of even the simplest games (I think we played duck, duck goose for like half an hour).
The reason why this night was so amazing was because I got to show off some of my dance moves to a group of girls. I taught them my grade 8 line dance and a few other things I've picked up over my skating years. It was so special to be able to share what I love with these girls. We also got everyone on the beach to join in on the chicken dance! It was so funny because we had no music so we were humming the tune all together (they are super smart kids). And to top the whole night off we got the kids to do a giant Conga line across the beach. It was a really great night, my fav so far...
Written by: Heather Hanna
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